Monday, July 19, 2010

From Bama to Boston...Doggy Style

So I just discovered some forgotten gems on my phone from the past couple of years and thought I would share...through a little bit of puppy (and some kitten) love.

But before I do that, let me share a little snippet of hilariousness that just happened downstairs in our future kitchen. P has reverted to having me cut his hair with the clippers after his hair stylist left on maternity leave. I swear, he is either such a girl (going to the salon) or such a care free boy (buzz it all off). No in between. Gotta love him. Anyway, so he informs me that I need to cut his hair. I tell him to go set up his little hair trimming station. Go downstairs and he is all ready with two of the little clipper attachments in hand. He hands me the first one and says "do my whole head with this one, the other one is for the sides and back". Ok, we have done this before, no questioning him. So I buzz his whole head, somewhat thinking "hmmm, it didn't seem this short last time", but I just assume it's my bad old lady memory. So I put the next attachment on and start on the sides.
Me: Ummmm, it's not cutting the hair.
P: It will.
Me: Ummmm, I don't know.
Me: Oh no, you didn't....
Grab the other attachment to compare...oooops, they got mixed up. Oh well! Maybe by the time this haircut grows out his stylist will be back in the salon. :)

Ok, back to "Puppies...From Bama to Boston."

There you have it. The pups from Auburn, to Birmingham, to Boston. In the car, in the moving van (those boys are such troopers), in our first Boston apartment, hanging out in the office and now in the dog house. I am so that crazy dog lady...the number of pictures of my pets far out weighs the number of human pics...maybe I should work on that. On a similar note, my appologies for the crummy pic quality. Most are from my phone. I may be in the market for a small point and shoot to carry around. Any suggestions?

Lata homies!

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